Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Injuring Eternity

“As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.”
-Thoreau, Walden

What a wonderful slap upside the head for a midweek post!

There is not much to add to this wonderful quote from Thoreau. It’s amazing to think that he wrote this in a time before cell phones with unlimited texting and data, before the Internet, and before iPods. Whatever we think about the man’s choice to go live like a loner out by a lake, we have to appreciate the clarity of insight which a quote like this conjures.

Every moment we spend fiddling with the unimportant stuff of our lives, we lose the opportunity to contribute something truly valuable to our human consciousness, that part of us which trails off into the distant, twisted, and winding future.

Stay focused, my friends! We only have 3 more days this week honoring us with the opportunity to do what we do best:


Dr. Z

1 comment:

  1. ...was his name-o...!

    Thank you for being here and having me as part of your morning ritual. It feels awesome to be invited into your life in this way!

