Friday, December 10, 2010

Slipping Through Time

“You are the bows from which your children are as flying arrows set forth.”
Khalil Gibran

Tonight is a stormy night. So, between bolts of lightning, I slip through time back to my early childhood in San Clemente. In these memories, I remember feeling scared of the electricity-charged air of our rare but powerful winter storms. Sneaking into my parent’s room, I would stand by the side of the bed hoping for them to reach down and comfort me.

Now, I have children of my own. This time, I am the big hand reaching down to comfort my daughters and wipe away tears. Now, I am the soothing voice helping the heart to beat more calmly. I love you, my dear children.

Yet, it wasn’t just in anxious and stormy moments my parent’s presence impressed me. My world was filled with wisdom all along.We talked all of the time about what was happening; we questioned everything. And, when we ran out of things to say, my family read until another idea tugged at the edges of our conscious minds.

My parent’s words still vibrate through me to the essence of my being. Even now, I can feel the wisdom each of my parents shared with me stretching my mind together, tighter and tighter. My existence is my own; I am clearly responsible for my own actions, my behavior. At the same time, I would be fooling myself to think that my nature, that thing which propels me into the world, has nothing to do with my parents.

So, I speed through this world following a trajectory set for me by the amazing confluence of events and intentions which have conspired to send me forth. And I, a lucky man graced with elegant guardians, do not need to worry about my aim during every waking moment of my life.

I bow before you, my honored father and mother. May I, when my time comes, stretch back the bow with all of my consciousness and, all at once, share the simple wisdom with my children that there is only breath and that breath is fulfilled in elegance.  

Then, in these mindful moments, the target has already come to kiss the arrow’s head.


Have a wonderful Friday as you all prepare to enjoy your families this weekend!
If you have a moment, then please check out my book at Amazon:


  1. We look forward to your latest inspired gem of wisdom every morning, brother. The depth, clarity, and personal touch of your words resonate on a deep and personal level that is easy to relate to.

    This quote is one of our favorites. I don't know if you remember, but we have this book of Gibran's perched open on our piano to this very poem. It serves as a daily reminder to the role we play in our children's lives and to those that brought us into this world. We are all children even now, both riding on and shooting forth arrows of each new moment and event in time.

    Your inspiration is contagious and I am truly grateful that the trajectory of your arrow has once again brought the spirit and essence of your wonderful being back into our lives. My consciousness in stirring,the fog is starting to lift. A new day is dawning.

    Thank you.

  2. Aloha Masarweh,

    I like this, what you said:

    "We are all children even now, both riding on and shooting forth arrows of each new moment and event in time."

    Thank you for participating in this blog! I need you right back. Building something like this is a reciprocating effort during moments that alternate between inhaling and exhaling.

    With love,


  3. Aloha Dr. Oliver,

    This was a "SUPERB" posting, enjoyable, and likewise reflective of the person I know and trust. I am happy to find something so refreshing that it resonates with my being. Your aim has always been right on the mark of excellence.

    Much Aloha,

    David S

  4. Aloha, High level, poetic and provocative, these musings. Will watch to see this blog evolve!

  5. Thank you all for your comments! If there's ever anything which you'd like for me to address, then don't hesitate to leave me a comment or a tweet @osabang

