Thursday, December 23, 2010

Coming Home

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.”
-George Moore

Dear Readers,
Earlier tonight, a close friend of mine sent me a text message with this quote. So, I texted him back and asked if he wanted me to take a closer look at the quote for our Christmas Eve blog. At the time, I was walking around Diamond Head with my wife and beautiful daughters while watching the sunset. The quote hit just right with the sunset and the feeling of my daughters hand grasping onto mine and the funny sqeaks of my infant daughter enjoying the ride on my shoulders.
George Moore sure understands that the fulfillment we so deeply search for is never out there; rather, it’s always right here in the quiet moments of togetherness, the tender seconds during which we simply are with those that love us and those whom we love.
So, Jon, I hope this blog makes you smile. It’s my Christmas present to you on your final pre-parenthood Christmas. Some of your friends may be filling you with stories told in gloomy tone about how children empty bank accounts or keep you from playing at all of the time wasters that used to fill your life (video games anyone?), but let this blog put a stop to that silliness. I gladly empty out my continually slim wallet to share the best possible life with these lovely ladies, my beautiful daughters.
I’ve been all over the world. I’ve travelled and lived in all kinds of interesting places. I wouldn’t trade my travels to have rushed this life, but now that it is here…I can smile, look anyone in the eye, and say that all of this is absolutely worthwhile.
I have no doubt this will be your experience as well. You’re an awesome human being; fatherhood will come to you very naturally. I look forward to hearing trading stories with you along the way.
Jon, thank you for the perfect Christmas quote…
So, my dear readers, merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you out there in this fascinating hyper reality which we call the Internet. I will take the next couple of days off and enjoy them at home with my family. If anyone needs anything, then don’t hesitate to call, shoot me an email, and/or post a response to the blog.
I wish you all peace!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the holidays, and thank you for another thoughtful contribution.
